truFYX is the world’s first Technical Standard Order (TSO) certified SBAS Global Positioning System (GPS) position source designed specifically for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) autopilots and Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) OUT solutions. The truFYX incorporates the GPS receiver and antenna into a single 24mm radius / 20g waterproof enclosure.
Reduce your onboard GPS count by leveraging truFYX as the primary position source to your autopilot and ADS-B solution.
FAA TSO Certified
FAA TSO-C145e, Class Beta 1 GPS provides for:
Primary position source for domestic en route, terminal, approach (LNAV), and departure navigation
Integrity in the absence of the SBAS signal through the use of Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE)
Enhanced accuracy with processing of optional ionospheric corrections
Meeting worldwide compliance requirements for controlled airspace access pre- and post- 2020 ADS-B mandates in the U.S. and E.U.
RTCA DO-229E Class Beta 1
RTCA DO-178C Level C
RTCA DO-254 Level C
FAA TSO-C145e Class Beta 1 (Pending)
Tech Specs
Specification Value
Part Number UAV-1002809-001
GPS L1C/A w. SBAS 12 GPS Channels
3 SBAS Channels
HPA / VPA 5 m / 7 m
Velocity Accuracy 3 m/s
Time Accuracy 30 ns
Update Rate 5 Hz
Acquisition -148 dBm
Tracking -167 dBm
Electrical Characteristics
Input Power 5.5-31V, 350mW
Mechanical Characteristics
Size 47.37×8.21 mm
Weight 20 grams
RS-232 115200bps
Protocol NMEA 0183 + RAIM or
Time Pulse RS-232, 1pps
An aircraft is only as reliable as the weakest link. Many operators invest a fortune into equipment to ensure a stable system but are forced to settle for a consumer-level GPS source. truFYX brings aviation integrity and design assurance to all aircraft including UAS and UAM.

PBN is the art, science, and engineering of an aircraft’s ability to navigate using performance standards
and understanding with complete confidence the amount of trust you can place on the calculated
position. Don’t trust your mission to an unknown. Navigate with confidence.
Certified Aviation Grade Technology
truFYX is the only TSO certified GPS developed for UAS BVLOS and Type Certification requirements at the core of the design. truFYX is certified to TSO-C145e, developed to DO-178 and DO-254, and tested to DO-160G environmental standards. truFYX is critical and reliable component of your UAS platform.
ADS-B Compliance
Being ADS-B compliant is more than just the transponder. A position source with integrity is equally important and required for worldwide regulations.
truFYX provides increased resistance to GPS constellation errors through receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) and fault detection and exclusion (FDE) which automatically monitors the health of the satellite constellation and removes any suspect satellites from the position calculation. Enhanced accuracy is achieved through optional ionospheric corrections.
Integrity = Trust
It’s 9 PM, do you know where your drone is? Do you know you can trust the position your GPS is
reporting? An aviation-grade GPS with integrity like truFYX delivers not only accuracy but also integrity metrics that inform you just how trusted its calculation is. Integrity does not exist in an off-the-shelf commercial GPS.

Safe for Passenger Operations
ruFYX is the first TSO Certified GPS Position Source that brings a heritage of aviation-grade standards and reliability to UAS operations. Leveraging the same advanced fault detection and exclusion technology trusted by over 20,000+ manned aircraft – truFYX ensures your autopilot and ADS-B systems are only using the highest integrity data available.
One GPS for any Payload
As UAS operations grow and new regulations and mandates are introduced, truFYX is a critical component designed to adapt and grow with the industry and satisfy current and future regulations.

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